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How much more evidence do we need? Time to change dementia care.

How much more evidence do we need? Time to change dementia care.

The Canadian Armed Forces report on long-term care homes struck with COVID-19 came as a shock to many Canadians. The conditions found by soldiers who volunteered to help care for residents are beyond disturbing. We are indebted to the soldiers who put their own lives at risk to care for our seniors, and to the military officials who made their frank and unvarnished report public. We also owe a debt to the staff who have been showing up for work,…

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“Don’t put us at the bottom of the list for treatment just because of our diagnosis.”

“Don’t put us at the bottom of the list for treatment just because of our diagnosis.”

When Mario Gregorio was diagnosed with dementia 12 years ago, he was determined to continue to live a full life as long as he could. As a volunteer for the Alzheimer Society of Canada, Mario, who lives in Burnaby, B.C., has educated thousands of people about the condition, and helped write the Canadian Charter of Rights for People with Dementia in collaboration with the Society’s Advisory Group of people living with dementia. So, when the COVID-19 pandemic erupted, and news…

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What is your legacy?

What is your legacy?

By Leanne Kaufman, President and CEO, RBC Royal Trust Planning for the future is important for everyone. That’s why we’ve partnered with RBC Wealth Management, Royal Trust to help you with your estate planning. Time and time again, we hear of the unfortunate consequences that can stem from lack of inheritance planning. One of our elderly clients, who had amassed a substantial estate, passed away before she was able to update her Will. We discovered that the beneficiaries she originally named died…

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*UPDATED* Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for people with dementia, caregivers and families

*UPDATED* Coronavirus (COVID-19): Tips for people with dementia, caregivers and families

***** Read our COVID-19 statement. ***** Right now, COVID-19 is proving to be particularly challenging for people living with dementia, caregivers and families: For people with dementia who live alone, you are likely finding that social distancing, self-isolation and other changes are upending your daily routine which is important for living well with dementia and maintaining your independence. For caregivers, these changes can lead to increased feelings of stress, anxiety and confusion for both you and the person you care…

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Brain Awareness Week: How a DIY project helped Paul challenge his brain

Brain Awareness Week: How a DIY project helped Paul challenge his brain

Paul Lea, who lives in Toronto, Ontario, was diagnosed with vascular dementia in 2009. But that didn’t stop him from seeking ways to stay mentally and physically active. Lifestyle changes are not only important if you are living with dementia but they also help reduce your risk of developing the disease. By Paul Lea Every morning, I say, “thank you” for being alive. It’s my way of keeping my perspective in check. Since my diagnosis, I’ve had to learn my…

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Check in on your charitable giving

Check in on your charitable giving

A New Year (and decade!) has just begun, making it an excellent time to review your finances and your estate plan. While doing so, why not take the opportunity to consider what you can do for your charitable legacy? Individuals across the country give for different reasons. Some give to honour a friend or loved one; others to minimize taxes during their lifetime or at death.  Still others wish to be remembered through their charitable legacy. Caroline, one of our…

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“Let us help you understand.” Learn how Canadians living with dementia are shining light on the stigma they face.

“Let us help you understand.” Learn how Canadians living with dementia are shining light on the stigma they face.

Everyone’s experience with dementia is unique – whether they are someone who has dementia, a caregiver or a family member of someone who is diagnosed. Each person has their own unique story to tell, even as they battle the stigma that faces them as someone living with dementia.  With January being Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in Canada, the Alzheimer Society would like you to meet some of these people, and hear their stories. Read on to understand how Canadians living with…

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Power of attorney: Tips for choosing the right attorney for property (and what to do if you’re appointed)

Power of attorney: Tips for choosing the right attorney for property (and what to do if you’re appointed)

It’s important for Canadians to include plans for a power of attorney in their future and financial planning.  In today’s guest blog from RBC Wealth Management, Royal Trust, learn more about choosing the right attorney for property, as well as what to do if you are chosen as one. Did you know that who you choose to be your attorney(s) for property and for personal care is just as important as the decision to create these important documents? To protect…

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The world doesn’t end when you have Alzheimer’s: Isabel and Michael’s story

The world doesn’t end when you have Alzheimer’s: Isabel and Michael’s story

Isabel, a retired teacher, and Michael, a military veteran, live in Victoria, British Columbia. Happily married for more than 50 years, they first met at a mess hall in Greenwood, Nova Scotia, in 1961. Today, Isabel is living with Alzheimer’s disease. Here, Michael tells the story of their life after diagnosis. My wife, Isabel, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in January 2011. At that time, she was 70 years old. I had been aware for a year or so that…

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Why you should have Powers of Attorney

Why you should have Powers of Attorney

As we live our day-to-day lives, we sometimes overlook the planning that we should be doing to help protect ourselves, our wishes, our assets and the people we care for. Though it may not be pleasant to think about, making plans now to ensure you are protected in the event of future incapacity is smart planning and can provide much needed peace of mind. Part of that planning includes creating Powers of Attorney (POA). This article discusses the different types…

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