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Tag: charitable giving

Check in on your charitable giving

Check in on your charitable giving

A New Year (and decade!) has just begun, making it an excellent time to review your finances and your estate plan. While doing so, why not take the opportunity to consider what you can do for your charitable legacy? Individuals across the country give for different reasons. Some give to honour a friend or loved one; others to minimize taxes during their lifetime or at death.  Still others wish to be remembered through their charitable legacy. Caroline, one of our…

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Leave a Legacy: Five easy ways to give back

Leave a Legacy: Five easy ways to give back

Among the many ways to give back to society, donating is one of the simplest and easiest. However, you may find yourself hesitant to donate. Perhaps you believe that your donation won’t make an impact, or that you simply cannot afford to give back at this time in your life. Rest assured, this isn’t true…

What will your legacy be?

What will your legacy be?

Death is a fact of life. Because the transition from life to death is an unknown, humans are full of fear. And fear drives us to avoidance. Even though there has been increasing media attention to end-of-life issues recently, we seem to live in a death-phobic, death-avoidance culture. While our television, movie and video game screens are often filled with images of violent death. And news reports remind us every day of various threats to life. Can we shift our…

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What do you want YOUR legacy to be?

What do you want YOUR legacy to be?

For those of us working for a charity, the word “legacy” means a thoughtful charitable gift, a gift left in your Will. But there could be another meaning: how did you show up in the world? In other words, aside from the dollars distributed from your estate, how do you want to be remembered? What do you want YOUR legacy to be? How do you show up in the world? Most of us strive to be the best possible person…

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