It’s time to lift the cloak on elder abuse
Our Public Policy Analyst, Jacquie Micallef, shares her insight on elder abuse:
“A couple of weeks ago I attended a conference in Toronto about this very issue. The conference called for greater discussion about the abuse of elders – our most vulnerable citizens. But then I left the conference only to pick up the Toronto Star to read the horrifying headlines about the abuse of older people with dementia in nursing homes.
Abuse can happen anywhere and by anyone.
The Alzheimer Society of Ontario has long been championing for improved conditions and treatment of people with dementia in long-term care homes. Our U-First! Education Program provides care providers with the basic tools and education to better understand and respond to the changing needs of people with dementia whose numbers will increase by 40 per cent in Ontario alone in less than 10 years.
From November 21 to December 11 the Federal government is re-launching its Elder Abuse – It’s Time to Face the Reality television campaign. The campaign’s goal is to increase awareness of what constitutes elder abuse and to provide Canadians with essential information and resources for preventative action.
It’s time for all of us to action. It’s time for all of use to champion this cause.
If you know someone who may be affected by elder abuse, please contact seniors.gc.ca or 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232) for more information.”