Me? A Super Hero?
Some of the biggest box-office hits in the past couple of years focus on Super Heroes…Batman, Captain America, Black Widow…. Super Heroes appear when the planet is under siege from evil and somehow, against all odds, save the day.
It’s fun to fantasize about having a Super Hero in your own life to save the day. But here at the Alzheimer Society, we believe everyone has the potential to be a Super Hero, including YOU!
But first, let me tell you what we are fighting – Dementia and procrastination.
The #1 foe – Dementia
Alzheimer’s and dementia are two terrible forces growing stronger every day. Did you know the risk for developing dementia doubles every five years after the age of 65, and up to 10% of dementia cases start before that age? Right now, 214,000 (1 out of every 10) people are living with dementia in the province of Ontario alone, and that number will increase to 250,000 by 2020!
To a baby boomer like me, these are scary statistics. Whether it’s a parent, aunt, uncle or spouse, the chances are high that someone in our family circles will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia.
The #2 foe – Procrastination
Did you know that if you develop mental incapacity, it is too late to complete your Will or Powers of Attorney for Personal Care and Property? Currently over 50% of Canadians do not have a Will and over 70% do not have Powers of Attorneys for our personal care or property.
If you don’t take action, you may be allowing the government – the Office of the Public Trustee – to take over your affairs. You worked hard all your life to take care of yourself and your family, and accumulate some assets. Don’t stop now! Waiting for tomorrow just doesn’t make sense to me.
Now here is the part of the story where you can become a Super Hero disguised as an ordinary Canadian.
Rewards for becoming an Alzheimer Society Super Hero
Did you know that by making a gift in your Will you can potentially eliminate taxes owed by your estate? And you get a rebate of taxes you already paid? This rebate allows for an increase in the inheritances to your beneficiaries. And, perhaps the best part of all, the gift you make through your estate plan will go towards solving one of the fastest growing diseases on our planet.
The power of action
Yes, I believe in Super Heroes! Yes, I believe that the world could be a different place. But it requires action.
What if we overcame fear, stopped procrastinating, and made our Powers of Attorneys and Wills? And what if we included charities in our estate plans? Can you imagine how we could change the world?
Please consider being our Super Hero. Make an appointment with an estate lawyer, create or update your Will and your Powers of Attorney for Personal Care and Property and your Will and kindly consider including a gift to the Alzheimer’s Society.
Someone in the future will be glad that you overcame fear and became a Super Hero. It could be someone you know!
To help you get started, request our free Super Hero Estate Planner and Guide and fact sheets.
Alzheimer Society of Ontario
Chief Development Officer, Planned Giving