Research breakthroughs you made possible
The Alzheimer Society of Ontario would like to thank all our research donors. Because of you, we are getting closer and closer to an Alzheimer miracle.
Your donations directly benefit your parents, friends, colleagues, neighbours and members of your community living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias because “they provide more opportunities for access to cutting edge treatments and clinical trials right here in Ontario,” says Dr. Sharon Cohen, Medical Director of the Toronto Memory Program.
Here are five critical research breakthroughs that Ontario researchers made happen thanks to you:
- A gene behind early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, pinpointing one of its principle causes
- A vaccine preventing Alzheimer’s disease in mice, which encouraged new research into immune therapies for people with Alzheimer’s disease
- The application of a compound, scyllo-inositol, to combat Alzheimer’s that lead to clinical trials for new drugs
- Bilingualism and its role in delaying the onset of dementia
- Assistive technologies to help people with dementia maintain their dignity and independence
Only with your help can promise Help for Today. Hope for Tomorrow ®. Take our pledge to raise awareness of the importance of Alzheimer research and funds critical for future breakthroughs.