Rocking in the name of Alzheimer’s
Why did you decide to fundraise for Alzheimer’s disease?
Megan: Alzheimer’s disease has deeply affected my family. Three of my close family members experienced extreme memory loss in their later years. To watch a family member and friend lose their most cherished memories is heartbreaking. I want to help further Alzheimer’s research and promote awareness to the best of my ability.
Vanessa: Alzheimer’s disease has not affected me, but it has affected others I deeply care about. It is heartbreaking to watch how difficult it is to deal with. I believe that it is important for others to be aware of Alzheimer’s disease and find ways they too can help.
Katia: Like Megan, I’ve had family members affected by Alzheimer’s. It only seemed right to support this cause.
The idea: what made you choose to do this concert?
Katia: Vanessa and I are working on this concert as part of our university thesis. Both of us have an event background, so we thought it was the perfect opportunity to finally mount what Megan and I started discussing over a year ago.
Megan: Hosting a concert for the Alzheimer Society seemed like a great way to combine philanthropy and fun! A concert is a communal event where strangers come to dance, drink and laugh together. Everyone loves music and the healing power of music for those experiencing Alzheimer’s and dementia is a testament to that. Katia, my co-coordinator and friend, is unbelievably talented at organizing music events with Indie Week, and she suggested we combine our talents and passions with Vanessa to host an unforgettable evening!
Vanessa: Like Katia said, we are doing this as our thesis project for university. But I think that it was the perfect opportunity to combine something that we have been studying with something that we are passionate about.
What would you say to others considering to do a fundraiser for Alzheimer’s disease?
Megan: I’d say go for it! For me, one of the most valuable contributions is building awareness. Fundraisers are a great way of encouraging people to learn more. If you’re worried about turnout, or not making a big enough contribution, don’t! I know it’s cheesy, but it happens to be true. Every little bit counts!
Katia: Megan hit it spot on. Set a date and do your best. You’ll be surprised how many people have been affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Hearing other’s stories motivates us even more to keep going and put on the best event possible.
Vanessa: Do it, for sure! By putting on a fundraiser you are able to promote something that you truly care about to others around them. Even with a small event you are able to promote awareness. Megan said it perfectly, every little bit counts.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Megan: If people leave our event with one thing, I hope it’s the motivation to find out more about the Alzheimer Society. Too many people are affected by some form of memory loss, and that affects their family and their friends. Our memories are so crucial and I hope that this event encourages people to work hard at improving their bodies and their minds.
Katia: Second that.
Vanessa: Agreed.
Learn about how you can create your own fundraiser for Alzheimer’s on our Memory Makers website.
Memory Makers for Alzheimer’s Participants