Is it time to move to long-term care?
You survived the holidays and you’re now getting back into your regular routine. For many people, the holidays are a time to get together with friends and relatives that you haven’t seen in a while. As joyful as these gatherings can be, they can also bring new worries. You may have noticed that your father seems more forgetful. Perhaps your aunt’s dementia seems to be getting worse. Or, a dear friend may have seemed frailer than you remembered.
We try to care for relatives and friends in our own homes for as long as possible. But when a person has dementia, this can be especially challenging. Even families who are well resourced and living close to each other often struggle to support someone who needs a lot of care at home until the end of life.
As difficult as it is, moving to a long-term care home is more the norm than the exception for families of someone with dementia. Research shows that 57% of seniors living in a residential care home have Alzheimer’s disease and/or another form of dementia. And, 70% of people with dementia will eventually die in a nursing home.
At the Alzheimer Society, people who have dementia often tell us they worry about someday moving into long-term care. Their families tell us that it can be the hardest decision they’ll ever make: “How will I know it is time?” “What about the promises we made to care for each other until the end?” “How do I choose a home?” “How much will it cost?” “Will my partner get the care she needs?”
That’s why the Alzheimer Society has created a new series of checklists to help families know what to ask and look for when choosing a long-term care home, and how to adjust to the transition. These come in four easy-to-use brochures with lots of practical tips:
- Considering the move to a long-term care home
- Preparing for a move
- Handling moving day, and
- Adjusting after a move
You can download these free resources in English at www.alzheimer.ca/longtermcare and in French at www.alzheimer.ca/soinsdelongueduree from the Alzheimer Society of Canada’s website.
You can also get printed copies from your local Alzheimer Society. To find the Alzheimer Society closest to you, please visit: www.alzheimer.ca/en/provincial-office-directory or call toll free: 1-800-616-8816.